I had a fruitful catchup with my UCSI class mate yesterday .
We were F4 back then. The 4 cheeky girls that usually hanging out together during our uni time. A lot a lot of memories. It just felt like yesterday.
Now, the 4 of us hardly keep in touch. Just messages over FB/Insta or occasionally WA . We were in the same course : Food Science & Nutrition , but only 1 of us actually continue our career path on the related field. The rest, totally out of your expectations.
Our topic was mostly about our current personal life and career . I got much more excited when we were into the same investment line aside from our main job.
We were dining at one of the wine bar in Bangsar. They serve food and beverages despite their shop is just halved and fully stocked up with wines and alcohols. We were then realized that our meals were served by the other restaurant opposite this wine bar. I guess, the same owner , or maybe JV.
If you’re familiar with Telawi @ Bangsar, I am sure you do notice about the high turnover of the shops there. Maybe, the same owner but different brands. But still, those shops keep changing. Other than the crowds hanging around with beer which prices are getting more competitive , I hardly see much crowds around anymore compared to last time.
Business is even more harder nowadays. Acknowledge me if there is any industry that are doing so great and evergreen. Else, running a business required high passion and hard works and great leadership and great team and good social skill and good network and with great funds in which ever way the business is funded. So so so many things in considerations before you start a business and costing incurred in every bit of them.
I am in real estate. I am an agent selling properties and manage the renovation rental for my investors and tenants. Agent need not much capital but as long as you willing to learn , willing to take in all hardships now, you will definitely be there to enjoy life you have been always wanted.
It seems easy. So easy that nowadays, you just need to throw a stone and it will hit an agent . Be it insurance agent, property agent, product agent , they are everywhere. We see luxury houses ,cars and watches in Facebook posted by agents everyday. Is it that easy that every agent earn this great life ? I am sure most of the viewers wanted to be like these highflyers.
The fact is always cruel. Many of the great photos in Insta and Facebook are for marketing purpose. Feel and imagine this scenario : When you wanted to order the super juicy looking american-styled burger with loads of cheese and vege and fresh tomato slices on the menu and it turned out to be dry thin layer of burnt meat with flaky bun with almost-cant-see cheese and dying tomato… Please relate.

Nothing is easy escially at this current market situation. We all are struggling and only the stronger wins!
That comes into a conclusion which highly related to what I am doing lately. Stock market is the platform where hundreds of businesses are listed . Investors or traders are the business owners.
For example, face mask is on high demand recently due to the CoV around the world. We know that selling mask is definitely a win now ! But, are we going to spend millions of dollar as initial capital to build/rent factory and machines to manufacture mask and sell now ? Put aside capital, it takes time and workers needed. How fast and efficient can you really set these up just to sell mask now with no experience , no workers, no database, nothing ?
Invest into Harta , Supermx , Kossan, Carepls, LKL, ETC !!!! Some of you might be wondering what am i taking about .. These are the listed companies which are benefited from CoV incidents and their shares prices have been greatly increased.
To set up a business, you need big capital . If the business fail, it might be not possible to take back any of your capital or even got into debts.
However , to invest in good business in KLSE , just invest with any amount of capital you are comfortable with! If the business fail, just protect your capital with minimal loss and continue invest into another good business and so on!
This is why i am loving what i am doing now. I am not just buy and sell a counter but running business without hassles .
Till here and my Mac is dozing off soon with low bat . See ya <3